Kodomo Event and Arigato Event Day!

Date of Activity: August 3rd

Today, we had “Kodomo event” and spent a really good time with about 100 kids from Tama city. 27 people from 12 countries made our own booth and the kids traveled around the world!!! When kids came to our country, we had to teach them 3 words, “hello”, “thank you”, and “goodbye” in some different languages. Some languages were really hard to pronunce for them, but all the kids were really interested in other countries and their cultures. After that, we played some games together! It was so much fun!

In the evening, we had our first Arigato event in this session!

Actually, we didn’t have enough time to practice for that, but we really enjoyed this event. Thanks for everything Tama people! Arigato!

(Maki Honda, Japan)

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