Visit to Midorigaoka elementary

When I stepped out of the car there were a lot of children walking to school, however they all got somewhat distracted when they saw us huge foreigners in the parking lot.

We then all went to the library where we had our morning meeting with a giggling Megan leading the meeting. My first class was music with Juuso, Aileen and Nicole. The class started off with the students singing a song which i believe was the school song but it soon went over to origami. After another similar music lesson with another class we had caligraphy with the 3rd graders. We drew the kanji for earth, and I think that japanese kaligraphy is a lot harder than it looks… We then had swimming class but there was no chloride in the pool so it it tasted a bit funny… After a somewhat stressful lunch for my part due to students being very active even while eating, we went to the sports hall in order to prepare for the arigato event dances we wanted to show the students. The students were overjoyed and sang/danced along to some of the songs better known to the younger generation. We ended the event by dancing the macarena with all the students and playing “Oh! Alele!”.

The day was overall a great success and at the end of the day a student wanted all of our autographs.

Isak Oden (Sweden)

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