There is always something new and interesting from joining the World Campus – Japan program. And I had one day so special and memorable in Omura, Nagasaki. It was called the “Fureai” event.
The “Fureai” event is held annually here in Omura city, Nagasaki. Basically, it is held for handicapped people. People who are physically or emotionally handicapped or have mental disorders. So nearly 650 handicapped people attended this event.
All the participants of the WCJ program participated. We performed our show like we usually do in the “Arigato Evento” hoping to entertain and share our happiness with them. We believe that through music, there is no barrier. Music unites people. Everyone can enjoy all the melody and rhythm together.
Then we played some simple games, exchanged our name cards, and sang and danced together. We were accompanied by the magnificent Omura Jazz Orchestra. Wow…such an incredible experience.
One thing we can learn is that doing something simple can be extraordinary for other people. I felt so happy when seeing all the handicapped people smile…
Yohanes Siem (Indonesia)