The Suita arigatou event of 2012

Date of activity: July 14th

This day started of as most days did this week. It was hot… but traveling by train makes it better, because it has airco! After arriving at the facility we immediately started rehearsing our dances and songs. Some local kids joined in and after playing around a bit they started the preparations for their performance later that evening. Because of the great amount of participants this session the amount of host families and other spectators was larger than usual. This however is a good thing, because performing for a bigger audience really makes you feel like the work you put into learning the dances is worth it. Laughing at us, enjoying our dances and songs and singing with us! This creates a great atmosphere, especially with many people! Before the event the kids performed their dance. It was a Japanese style dance with a lot of great dance moves and action. Then the event begun and we had a great evening having fun with the audience. Afterwards we all went our separate ways back home with our host families and I for one enjoyed a very nice dinner. In other words: I ate sushi!! NomNomNom!! In short, it was a great day with lots of sweat, but it was totally worth it!

Jurrien – The Netherlands

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