Another awesome day in Toride and in World Campus – Japan.
This day we not only learned about Japanese kites and the history of kites in general, we also learned how to make them, color them, glue the pieces together and how to tie them together.
The LOC brought in a professional kite maker to teach us how to make a great kite 🙂
120 kites were made that morning, World Campus – Japan members, LOC Members (Local Organizing Committee) and host families were divided into three groups with a different theme each. Ocean Theme, Flags Theme and Kanji Theme (Japanese Writing).
The final result was awesome, we had a blast creating the 120 kites even though was so hard to organize them without ruining them but we made it through and went to the next part of the day. We never imagined how cool it was going to be.
We took off with three boxes full of kites tied together. Everyone walked to the park close by, with amazing view, super green grass and just the perfect wind for the kite flying.
We all made an effort and manage to make our kites fly up in the air, 40 of them, all tied together. It was just beautiful as you can see in the picture.
All the World Campus – Japan Participants, host families and LOC members were having a great time, enjoying the weather and looking at our kites fly together. We also played and took some really cool pictures.
For us, that afternoon was not just a moment to fly kites, it became the best team building afternoon we ever had in World Campus – Japan!