My name is Yui and I’m the Operation Manager for the 2011 World Campus – Japan program. Logistic and communicating with each local organizing committee on the road with the General Manager, Hideto Yasui is my major responsibility. I will also work closely to other managers to assist their areas and will be the interpreter. Osaka is where I come from and one of the places you may get to experience this summer.
I worked for WCI last summer and it became an invaluable experience in my life. The experience and people I met on the road gave me an opportunity to rediscover my own country, culture and my own values.
Working with people from various nationalities domestically and internationally in the past dacade taught me how to understand each other, yet to still accomplish personal and common goals. It’s a great challenge that I always enjoy. I appreciate diversity and have a big passion for meeting people especially with youth. It will be something I’d love to pursue throughout my life. Traveling, dancing and painting are things that can always please me and delight my life.
I hope this experience will not only give you a bigger knowledge about Japan, but also about the world, new perspective upon life and yourself to find more paths to follow and more doors to open!
Welcome to Japan!
The adventure is about to begin and I’m so thrilled to meet you all!
Yui Mihara
(Operation Manager in the Summer ’11 Road Team)