Meet Helmiina Suuronen, Program Counselor for World Campus – Japan Program 2016!


Hello everyone!

My name is Helmiina Suuronen, a 21-year-old English major from the University of Eastern Finland. At the start, I got interested in Japan and the Japanese language somewhere around my teens, mostly through music and Studio Ghibli movies, but recently my interest has shifted to trying to get a grasp of the Japanese language.

My first experience with the WCJ was in the summer of 2015 when I participated on session 1. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to be in Japan, living with host families and seeing everyday Japan with their help. Also thanks to WCJ, I made memories I am unlikely to forget anytime soon, like meeting an atomic bomb survivor. Hearing his account of what happened before and after was nothing like reading about it from a book. Overall, I made many new friends from around the globe, and got to try out things that people categorize as the ‘Japanese experience’. Thus I decided to apply for the counselor position, and as luck would have it, here I am!

And to those who are hesitant because they feel that their Japanese skills aren’t enough, you’d be amazed how much you can pick up in just a short time. And remember, we will be using English as our medium language between us WCJ participants, so you don’t need to be afraid of not being understood. It will all be okay. 🙂

As a person, I’d say I’m really bubbly and easy to approach, so don’t be afraid to ask me if you have questions concerning World Campus in Japan. Hope to see you there!

Helmiina (Finnland)

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