Meet Celiana Dolovitz from Venezuela in Summer 2010!

Celiana Dolovitz

My name is Celiana Dolovitz, my friends call me Celi. I will be the External Relations Manager for the 2010 Summer program, responsible for all types of media, including social networks and everything that has to do with external activities and postings. I am from Venezuela but i have been living in Mexico for a year now.

I went to school for Graphic Design and Marketing / Advertising and have been working in International environments for the last eight years, where I learned the beauty of cultures and how much I love traveling and meeting people from other countries.

World Campus International is giving me the opportunity to get to know people from different countries and share my culture while I travel through beautiful Japan creating great relationships with the group I will travel with and with the people from the places we will visit.

Can’t wait to start and meet you all.

(Celiana Dolovitz – External Relations Manager in the Summer ‘10 Road Team)

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