Chuou Gakuin University Day

Chuou Gakuin University Day

Day of activity: August 4th 2014

The places you go to are only as great as the people you meet; in that regards Japan is quite unique. I have been interacting with people all over the country for the last 2 months, and still now their kindness and benevolence keeps surprising me. Yesterday, we visited a university on the outskirt of Tokyo. There, we interacted with students from various schools and backgrounds. Together we experienced Furoshiki: a traditional Japanese art that consists of folding clothes to create bags that allow for easy transportation of everyday life objects. Learning together with the Japanese student allowed us to bond rapidly. We spent the day doing fun activities, and by the time we left it felt as though we had known each other for much more than a day. The people we met yesterday were genuinely kind, curious, interested and playful. I thank them for making yesterday such a beautiful day. And I hope their imprint stays with all WCI members so that we can work together for a better tomorrow.

Jeremy (Canada)

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