My name is Simen, and I will be among the councelors in the 2017 World Campus – Japan program! I am a 22 year old Norwegian guy, and while I speak hardly any Japanese, I will do my best to guide you safely through your journey, and ensure that you get as good of an experience as possible!
To tell you about myself, I am currently studying to become a teacher in the Norwegian school, and as of the start of the program, I will be fully educated to start working. I genuinely like working as an assistant towards learning and experiencing, which is probably why I was chosen as one of your counselors. I am also not very afraid of trying new things, and I hope that I get to do just that with many of you this coming summer! Hobby wise, I tend to use my spare time either for work, volleyball, or games. I am currently working in a grocery store in Norway, which will probably change soon enough.
I was a participant of the programs second session in 2015, and I really enjoyed that experience. I do hope that I can help you feel a similar extacy over getting to experience the Japanese way of life in such a fashion, and I’ll see you in Japan!
Simen Solum (Norway)