Swiss Wooden Spoons

Swiss Wooden Spoons

The final program of the World Campus – Japan Spring ’09 started in Omura, Nagasaki. As new participants joined our merry band, they also brought their unique talents with them. One of the more interesting cultural performances involves Rachel of Switzerland playing wooden spoons on her leg! Strange but wonderful music!

Here is a short description of the spoons by Rachel Anderegg:

“Soldiers brought the Spanish kastagnetten to Switzerland. Then the Swiss adapted the idea of this rhythmic instrument by starting to play with their wooden spoons. Those days they use to eat with them. Wooden spoons are used in the heart of Switzerland and it always goes along with traditional Swiss folk music. It is a typical Swiss tradition to play them.

One handicapped person from the Fureai Event wanted to know after my stage performance, if the Swiss eat their meals with hands. I replied that we use forks, knives, and spoons but not wooden ones!”

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4 thoughts on “Swiss Wooden Spoons”

  1. I wonder where in the WORLD I can buy these wooden spoons. I have looked all over Bavaria for them.
    Thank you for your assistance. Jolene

    1. Hey Jolene,

      I informed myself by talking to several people about the spoons. Apparently it is not easy to find them. I got now an old man who is producing them by himself. So, if you are really interested I can organize it. It costs about 20 euros plus postage.

      Let me know about your decision.

      Greetings Rachel

  2. Rachel,
    Thank you for your response. I would very much like to order a pair of the spoons. I can send you euros.
    Fellow Music Lover and Kindergarten Teacher,
    Jolene Zukauskas

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