On Sunday, March 16th, World Campus — Japan Participants were invited to attend the Suita Expo Event and to present our group’s mission of intercultural exchange. Of course, we brought some of our clothes and goods from our home countries to display as well. Beside the booth we performed a Japanese Medley on stage and some of us were interviewed by a famous radio DJ. In addition, four of us got the chance to take part at the 1.5 km family marathon.
The day started with a surprise for the team who had properly arranged all the goods and clothes from the different countries the day before, including hanging the appropriate flags behind the tables against the walls. But when we arrived on Sunday, we were told to rearrange everything in another booth which, luckily, was nearby. Soon after we finished the setup, the first visitors arrived and we got the chance to explain the displayed goods and the culture or history behind them.
Shortly after lunch, the first highlight of the day was on schedule; the 1.5 km family marathon where four of us, Guang from the U.S., Henning from Norway, Henry from Uganda and myself, were invited to take part. Because we were lined up at the very end of the participants at the start, we had to find our way through all the kids and family members to catch up to the front. As a former semi professional sportsman I am not able to take part at a race without going for the top. Despite the fact that I had not really practiced anything during the past four years, I almost caught up with the leader and finally finished in second place which was a big surprise even for myself!

Not long after the race, around 3 p.m., we attended a performance of a local dance and music group and were asked to come on stage and try to take part in their show. The audience in front of the stage was quite impressive and included many enthusiastic people of our own age. Soon after the dance and music performance finished, a well known local radio DJ came on stage and to interview some of us.We changed to another stage after the interview where we performed some parts of our Arigato Event performance, including country introductions and the Japanese medley in front of a less numerous, but more serious, audience.
Over all, the Expo Event was a superb platform to present World Campus International and it’s many different facets. It gave us the chance to get in touch with a lot of people we would not have met elsewhere. Thank you Suita!
(Cyrill Gross, Switzerland)