Personal Day in Abiko

Personal Day in Abiko

Day of activity: July 29th 2014

The personal day was simply fantastic!
For those who do not know what this special day is, it is a predetermined free day to do what you want. With a group of WCJ participants we decided to go to Asakusa. At Asakusa we headed towards a temple with an enormous lantern dominating the entrance. On this particular day, it was really hot and we were walking for quite a while. Upon arrival to this nice temple most of us spontaneously decided to go to a nice air-conditioned restaurant to eat and to enjoy some cold drinks. So, after walking over 2 kilometers to reach the temple we took a group photo in front of the lantern then headed to a restaurant. We had a great time cooling off from the heat, joking around, and eating delicious Japanese food. Around this time of the session I was feeling a bit homesick, but after such an awesome personal day with my friends, I was feeling fantastic.

Sauche (USA)

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