Kagura and Abiko presentation

Kagura and Abiko presentation

Kagura and Abiko presentation

Kagura and Abiko presentation

Kagura and Abiko presentation

Kagura and Abiko presentation

Day of activity: July 29th 2014

Today we learned about Abiko City and took sine group photos of all the World Campus members and staff. Session 4 is already progressing fastely and I am so excited!

After a delicious meal we learned about one of the traditional forms of Japanese theater, Kagura. After a Nice preformance, where two of the World Campus members were participating in, we Got the opportunity to try the masks.

After that we had a karate preformance by three locale people and one preformance from a participant who practices karate in her country. Later we were all taught some basic moves and punches which was very fun.

Amalie (Denmark)

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