吹田国際隣人グループSING(Suita International Neighors Group)は、2005年にUWPの訪問を受け入れから始まって、2007年WCIを受け入れるためにUWP吹田実行委員会から、SINGが立ち上げられました。
<理事>林 健治(IT会社経営)
SING (Suita International Neighbors Group) has started as a supporting community of Up With People in 2005, then we have been hosting the group of people from World Campus International since 2007.
Mari Mihara is the head of our group and we have Chiemi Hanzaki, Toshiko Nishikawa, Kenji Hayashi, and Mari Okada as official members of SING.
Now we’re preparing for the upcoming World Campus – Japan program. This summer, you might experience to work for Japanese traditional shopping street, interact with high school/university students, and explore Asahi beer factory as activities in Suita city!