Uda City is a beautiful place with truly amazing nature around it, around us. Rice fields, rivers, mountains, etc. Green everywhere you look, soft sounds at night, refreshing air in the morning and wonderful, super fresh smell of nature.
In the morning we had the chance to go on a scavenger hunt. We got to not only see all the trees around us but also we got to breath pure air and smell fresh wood. More than 1000 trees through our nature walk / scavenger hunt, a very refreshing experience. On the same day (I have to say that Uda was a City with a full schedule) we had the opportunity to experience three different ways to make art. We worked with bamboo to make little crabs, we also learned about tie die and about kirigami (The art of cutting paper), this last one by a very important artist in the area, who was also a host dad. He has been practicing this art for the last 30 years receiving awards in places like France.
Pretty nice to be able to learn from the best of the best!