Meet the World Campus – Japan Team in Denver!

On February 4th, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm, you can meet some of the WCI team members to get information about ways to come to Japan in 2009. We will have both road staff and company management present at the Dynamy Fair, located at the Sherman Event Center, 1770 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado. Co-founder and General Manager Bob Sloat said that “We are looking forward to meeting people who want to learn about the opportunities to come to Japan for anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months experiencing unique access to the Japanese culture and people with peers from around the world. We have a couple of remaining positions for this spring but mostly want to talk about the Tokyo and western Japan options for this summer. It’s our first time going to this particular fair and we are excited to be there!”.

If you need assistance with directions or want to reserve an appointment with Bob, Berthalina or Jake, feel free to call ahead at toll free 866 595-6323. See you in Denver!

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