Looking Back – Summer 2009 Program 3

WCI summer 2009 program 3 video


Even looking back on program 3 from more than a month away, I still can’t believe some of what we experienced. Each program we had to say good bye to some of the people who defined the World Campus – Japan Personality. Through our time together in each program we build bonds that are so difficult to articulate. When we loose some of the people who have become leaders within the group, we are left with a hole. AND… at the beginning of program 3 we found ourselves, once again, looking to fill the voids left by those who could not stay. Then the program began. We welcomed the new participants and amazingly, within 48 hours, the personality of our group evolved. Though the void left by the old group could not be filled, our program 3 group was as complete a team as there could be. The new puzzle fit together to make a unique and extraordinary picture of how cross culturalal cooperation can really make an impact. Program 3 participants saw the Nagasaki Peace Museum, Storks Cradle, Kumamoto Castle, Manda Mine, and an Okonomiaki Sauce factory. Take a look for yourself and see World Campus – Japan as we see it.

(Jay Kinsel, Production Manager)

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