Looking Back – Summer 2009 Program 2

WCI summer 2009 program 2 video


Summer 2009 Program 2 was about relationships. World Campus International said good bye to some important pieces of our puzzle and welcomed in some new participants that would prove invaluable to success. Participants from all over the globe pulled together to become more than a team, they became like family. The participants said hello and goodbye to two more host families in Mito and Toride. They had the chance to speak to the mayors and the vice governor of Ibaraki prefecture and see Japan from the eyes of its leaders. They took a day hike through the beautiful Japanese countryside while getting to know a lot of people on a personal level. The group teamed up with host families to fly strings of 35+ kites. However, the most talked about day of the program was a day spent with the young employees of Exxon Mobil. Through artful facilitation and creative communication, the World Campus – Japan members and the Exxon Mobil employees experienced a day that changed many perceptions from both groups. Take a look for yourself, you will surely get a taste of WCI through these pictures.

(Jay Kinsel, Production Manager)

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